How Keloid Removal Is Now Possible Without Surgery!}

Submitted by: Carmen Spencer

Scars are quite a common of the healing process. Small lesions usually heal without leaving any visible signs. However, the larger injuries are the ones that will most certainly culminate in the formation of scar tissue.

Visible scars are what result from one of two processes: hypertrophy and keloid formation. On a microscopic level, scars formed by either process are identical. Nonetheless, they behave very differently.

Hypertrophic scars are common. They are raised and wide but do not extend beyond the edge of the original lesion. These scars can itch and cause discomfort and are easily identified by a characteristic bright pink color.

Keloids are less common than hypertrophic scars but are fairly frequent in darker skinned individual. Keloid scars are also wide and raised, but unlike hyperthrophic scars, the new scar tissue begins to grow and extend beyond the edges of the original lesion. This gives them the appearance of tumors that are growing on the skin.

These types of scar tissue don’t simply appear out of nowhere, they are more likely if the wound becomes infected or contaminated with foreign matter. Younger adults are more prone to getting these types of scars, too. They are less likely to appear on a vascular part of the body like the legs or feet.


A proper scar healing process can be complicated and lengthy in both cases. Here is a review on how you can go about dealing with hypertrophic and keloid scars.

Hypertrophic Scars – How to Treat Them

Hypertrophic scars usually improve on their own. However, it may take years before you can notice a difference. If you do not want to wait your entire life before seeing your scars disappear, then there are other scar removal options you can try.

Most treatments aimed to deal with hypertrophic scar tissue removal involve steroid injections. A new injection is applied every 4 to 6 weeks. After having undergone several treatments, the scar should become smaller, lighter in color, and less noticeable.

Pulsed dye lasers are also be used to treat scar tissue. Eventually, this treatment will destroy the scar completely. Silicone sheets, which are used as post op treatment methods, can also be used to minimize the appearance of old and new hypertrophic scars.

Surgery is another option to treating scar removal. After having undergon a surgical procedure it is possible that your doctor will use compression therapy to minimize any possible scar.

Keloid Scars & Treatment

Keloid scar removal can be much more complicated than hypertrophic scar removal. Most doctors will use steroid injections and silicone sheets to reduce smaller keloids. However, if the scar tissue is extensive or resistant to treatment, surgery may be the only option.

Unluckily, keloid scars have a high recurrence rate and can appear around the edges of a freshly sutured lesion. Doctors may apply steroid injections during and after surgery in order to discourage the appearance of another keloid scar. The person may even need to use a pressure garment for up to a year after the intervention.

Hypertrophic scars and keloids can be considerable in size and difficult to treat. As a matter of fact, there are several invasive treatments out there. However, if you want to try a non-incision route, the exciting news is that this is now possible and effective!

About the Author: The biological serum in the

keloid scar treatment

BIOSKINREPAIR stimulates the skin’s regenerative processes and helps to avoid excess scars and to reduce hypertrophic scars and keloid scars. The biological serum accelerates the removal of damaged proteins in the skin, in effect “digesting” the

keloid scar tissue

away while it also orchestrates the biosynthesis and orderly deposition of new collagen.


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